New Year, New You….

Every year when Christmas passes, everyone starts talking about the New Year and resolutions. Pfft on resolutions, they’ve never worked out for me. It’s like my daughter says, not New Year, New You, more like New Year, Same Me. You shouldn’t have to wait for the New Year to change, I’m not defined by a date on the calendar.

As I was telling my family and friends about this little jaunt, it made me stop and really think about why I am doing this. I started brainstorming during an episode of Great British Bake Off – they always have such divine bakes! My Pinterest feed looks like a 5 star restaurant menu or like something that should be get the James Beard Award. Beautiful, delicious pictures. PICTURES. I don’t know how it tastes, how it smells, what is the texture like? Is it sweet? Sour? Bitter? So I had this idea I was going to do a Year of Baking.

I picked out 52 recipes, mostly from Great British Bake Off, and started a list. But wait…. What if I wanted to do something that didn’t need baked? Did that count? Or what if I wanted to do more than one recipe a week? And what was the point? Who was going to know if I kept up my end of my deal or let it just go by the wayside? I realized, this was my challenge/goal and I could make it what I wanted. It grew and it is still growing and it is becoming Browned Butter and Sugar.

I let my family and friends in on this today – put myself out there. It’s a bit nerve-wracking and I don’t know why. I have always had support for whatever I have done. One of my sons, took a look and is excited for me, he gave me a sly look and said, “This idea is because you watched Julie and Julia again isn’t it?” Yea. Maybe. But at this point, I’ve realized this is going to be an exploration of loves I have set aside for far too long – food, cooking, baking, and writing. And of new fondness for photography, journaling, and friendships.

Find something you’re passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it.

Julia Child


